I’ve started to learn Adobe InDesign so that I can make better game manuals. Until now, I’ve been making my manuals / instructions in Google Docs, which is perfect for prototypes but mediocre for polished products.

I haven’t spent much time in the Adobe suite and I also don’t have tons of visual design chops; I’m learning both the tool as well as the design judgement.

I’m starting with this InDesign tutorial series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYfCBK8IplO7YoUHtYKxavLHO-31C-Vky

And this general visual design series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYfCBK8IplO4E2sXtdKMVpKJZRBEoMvpn

I’ve heard great things about Lynda but I’m not willing to shell out cash just yet.

I’m experimenting first on the Hackers + Hustlers manual and will be posting my progress here.

Let me know if you have other great, free resources!